
Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow for Mobile Deployment

Primary LanguagePython

Mobile Mask R-CNN

This is a Mask R-CNN implementation with MobileNet V1/V2 as Backbone architecture to be finally able to deploy it on mobile devices such as the Nvidia Jetson TX2.

Getting Started

  • install required packages (mostly over pip)
  • clone this repository
  • download and setup the COCO Dataset: setup_coco.py
  • inside coco.py subclass Config (defined in config.py) and change model params to your needs
  • train mobile mask r-cnn on COCO with: train_coco.py
  • evaluate your trained model with: eval_coco.py
  • do both interactively with the notebook train_coco.ipynb
  • if you face killed kernels due to memory errors, use bash train.sh for infinite training
  • visualize / control training with tensorboard: cd into your current log dir and run:
    tensorboard --logdir="$(pwd)"
  • inspect your model with notebooks/:
    inspect_data.ipynb,inspect_model.ipynb, inspect_weights.ipynb
  • convert keras h5 to tensorflow .pb model file, in notebooks/ run:


  • numpy
  • scipy
  • Pillow
  • cython
  • matplotlib
  • scikit-image
  • tensorflow>=1.3.0
  • keras>=2.1.5
  • opencv-python
  • h5py
  • imgaug
  • IPython[all]
  • pycocotools

Original Matterport README