
Composing Caesar Cipher Flask App into Docker with uWSGI ang Ngix server

#So, first let's create ywo more template files: form.html for input , and data.html for encrypted message output

sudo nano app/templates/form.html

#which contains

<form action="/data" method = "POST">
    <p>Please enter Phrase to Encript: <input type = "text" name = "Phrase" /></p>
    <p>Please choose your Step: <input type = "text" name = "Step" /></p>

    <p><input type = "submit" value = "Submit" /></p>

sudo nano app/templates/data.html

#which contains

<p> ... </p>
<p> Encoded message:  </p> <h2> {{result}} </h2>
<p> ... </p>

#Next, modify app/views.py file so that input /form are encripted and have output to /data

sudo nano app/views.py

#which contains this code


#As we created a new project in our local directory and named it


#then we have to change our PATH in


#wich will contain

FROM tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask:python3.8-alpine
RUN apk --update add bash nano
ENV STATIC_PATH /home/vit/Desktop/16-Docker-Flask-Caesar/app/static
COPY ./requirements.txt /home/vit/Desktop/16-Docker-Flask-Caesar/requirements.txt
RUN pip install -r /home/vit/Desktop/16-Docker-Flask-Caesar/requirements.txt

#as well as we need to change the name of our app to "docker.test15"


#which contains

docker build -t ${app} .
docker run -d -p 56733:80 \
  --name=${app} \
  -v $PWD:/app ${app}

#and finally, to create and start new container "docker.test15"

cd ..
cd 16-Docker-Flask-Template

sudo bash start.sh

#to verify that docker is running

sudo docker ps

#if nor running, start it

sudo start docker.test16

#To verify visit browser page


#If we were developed our app withing the same local directory, we would have just stop and restart the Docker containers

sudo docker stop docker.test16 && sudo docker start docker.test16