CSE416-Team Grizzles

How to setup project?

  1. Install GitBash Click on me
  • Note: Check git version with this command git --version on your terminal
  1. Install Node.js(contains npm) with the following link Click on me
  • Note: Check nodejs and npm version with this command node -v & npm -von your terminal
  1. Click on Green 'Code' button>Copy SH key>Navigate the location to place directory> Type git clone <copied-link>
  2. Download these GeoJSON folder from here
  3. Create to new folder inside of public named 'static'. Create a folder name 'assets' inside static.
  4. Place the 'GeoJSON' folder inside assets.
  5. On the terminal, type npm install to install the dependencies
  6. Type npm start to start the project

Brief Description of the Project

The project goal is to create a gerrymandering application that finds random congressional districtings for three US states such as Utah, Alabama, and Louisiana that achieve population equality. Gerrymandering is the drawing of district boundaries that favors one political party. A gerrymandered state would structure boundaries with the use of cracking(distribute the other party's votes to reduce the voting power) and packing(placing voters in the same area).