
BitBar plugins which check your owned currencies in Kraken/Poloniex/Bittrex

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


BitBar plugin that check every given time the current status of your currencies in Kraken, Poloniex or Bittrex


How to install

git clone https://github.com/johnoppenheimer/cryptobar.git
cd cryptobar
npm install

Adding your API Keys

I will assume that you have you keys from Kraken or Poloniex. Open config.js and add your keys like that:

module.exports = {
    platforms: {
        kraken: {
            key: "mySuperKey",
            secret: "mySuperSecret"
        poloniex: {
            key: "mySuperKey",
            secret: "mySuperSecret"

Configuration with BitBar

BitBar will try to read files that won't work (like a nice package.json), so to avoid that you can create a folder in your home (like ~/.bitbar), and create symbolic link to cryptobar.js like:

ln -s /path/to/the/repo/cryptobar.js ~/.bitbar/plugins/cryptobar.5m.js

The 5m in the filename is important because it say to BitBar what is the refresh rate, but you can put any value like 30s for every 30 seconds or 10m for every ten minutes

Then you need to set the plugins path to BitBar

defaults write com.matryer.BitBar pluginsDirectory "~/.bitbar/plugins"

Quit and relaunch BitBar and you should be good!