
We are using Cell Framework to create an open sourced emulator for Anarchy Online using Csharp as our code base...

The Zone, Login, and Chat Services are written as windows console applications, and are very easy to use.


Also visit us on IRC irc.aocell.info #CellAO.

Bugtracker: buggy.aocell.info

Installation instructions follow soon.

Stats and enum infos

This is a thank you from the CellAO Dev Team, we would like to really thank our community for all the support you give us.

We also would like to thank the following people (In no order):

  • Tom for Supplying us with our Website and being our Webmaster
  • Suiv for always being there for me :)
  • NV for being NV
  • HacklerOfDreams for helping us off on our road to zoneing, giving us our script engine and other things
  • Ashly (Me) for starting this project
  • n5du for fixing the login engine and adding multi character support (come back dude)
  • Chaz for being in our QA And going above and beyond your job when asked
  • Jin for leaving and joining MSN soo much you flood us with the quit and relogin msgs ;) And for all the help you have given us.. Hope you return soon.
  • Schwuppweg for doing our German Forum moderating also for his contribution to the future home of our public test server, Danke dir vielmals Schwuppweg für deine große Hilfe
  • DniFan for joining our team and enriching us with ideas about Lua again.
  • Black for giving us the infopacket and future stuff to be listed ;)
  • Wargreymon for implamenting Zoning.. as well as being a support tech.
  • Algorithman for fixing mods, items, and all future work you will do for cellao, thanks for bringing life back to the project.
  • Andyzweb for all the time you have contributed to CellAO, and various of things you have done for us... Thank you
  • Sebika - An old from '08 CellAO Database team member
  • Pactor - Our new Script Engine Creator.
  • MrSecret - for being our Forum guy.
  • Spectrome - <+Spectrome> i havn't done anything <+Spectrome> ive scratched my ass at the code and annoy chris


  • Freebs (Where the heck did you disapear to?)
  • Moose
  • Ruffus
  • and the guys at WCell

If you feel your name should be in here, just pester me on IRC or email: darkkitten@gmail.com I will eventualy add you I guess ;)