
A tool to help organize episodic files into a standardized naming convention

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This tool can help organize episodic files into a standardized naming convention.


Consider a directory with the following files:


Running ep_rename.py -t "Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood" will create the following symbolic links in the same directory:

./Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 01.mkv
./Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 02.mkv
./Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 03.mkv

You could add --strip-leading-zeros to do the obvious, or use --zero-pad 3 to add an extra zero. If you had 100 episodes, --zero-pad without an argument will automatically deduce the width should be three.

Consider a directory with multiple seasons worth all numbered sequentially:

./Dragon Ball - 001 [x264].mkv
./Dragon Ball - 002 [x264].mkv
./Dragon Ball - 153 [x264].mkv

You can use the --season 1 --first 13 flags once followed by using the --season 2 --first 13 --skip 13 flags and so forth until you end up with each season split as follows:

./Dragon Ball s1e1.mkv
./Dragon Ball s1e2.mkv
./Dragon Ball s1e13.mkv
./Dragon Ball s2e1.mkv
./Dragon Ball s2e2.mkv

You will want to use --destination along with that so that the second time you run ep_rename.py it doesn't try to use the files you just made.

By default, ep_rename.py will extract the first thing that looks like an episode number. This doesn't work well if a show title includes a number. Consider the following file name:


By default, ep_rename.py will infer that both of those are episode two. However, the way it parses file names can be changed with the --input-fmt flag. Using the flag --input-fmt "[a-s]_code_geass_r2_-_%n%a.%f" will correctly parse the file name. Additionally, you can specify even less detail and still parse the file name using more advanced patterns such as "%b%a_r2_%n%a.%f". See the Input Format section below.


Flag Details
-d DIR
--destination DIR
The destination directory where new files links will be created. Assumed to be the current directory.
--output-type {symlink,hardlink,copy,move} Specifies the file type used for the output. Both symlink and hardlink take negligibly additional disk space whereas copy makes an extra copy of the file. Finally, move simply moves the existing file from one location to another.
--first N Only act on the first N files in sorted order.
--skip N Skip the first N files in sorted order. Implies --renumber.
--title TITLE
The title to begin each file name with.
--season SEASON
If specified, episode numbers will follow the s1e1 s1e2 etc pattern. The inverse can be done with --strip-season
Number files beginning at 1 in order rather than using extracted episode number. This is useful if you have multiple seasons and the episode numbers do not reset to 1 at the beginning of each season. Implies --renumber-start 1
--renumber-start N Start renumbering files beginning at N instead of 1.
--strip-season If the input files follow the s1e1 s1e2 etc pattern, remove the season prefix and renumber the files such that the first episode of season two is numbered directly after last episode of season one. Implies --renumber --renumer-start 1
--strip-leading-zeros Change the season or episode number from 01 to 1 etc.
--zero-pad [WIDTH] Left pad episode numbers so they all are at least WIDTH length. If WIDTH is absent, it calculated based on the longest episode number. (Example: with WIDTH=3, then episode 1 becomes 001).
--overwrite Overwrite the destination file if it exists. If this flag is not passed but any destination file already exists, an error will occur before creating any output files.
--resolve-overlaps {error,newest,oldest,any} The method for resolving conflicts when multiple source files generate the same output file. The newest and oldest choices will use the source files' modified timestamp (resolving symbolic links). Use the any choice if you don't care which file is chosen.
--input-fmt FMT Specifies how the input file name should be parsed. See the INPUT FORMAT section below for details. The default is %b%a%n%a.%f
--dry Perform a dry run; don't modify the filesystem.
Specify what files are created. Use -vv to see more details.

Input Format

When traversing the current directory, file names are matched against the format string specified by --input-fmt. If a name matches, the file is kept and the desired fields are extracted. Files whose name do not match are ignored.

A format string consists of sequence of literal characters and pattern groups which begin with a %. Some pattern groups capture their matched data which is used to determine metadata fields from the file name, such as the season and episode number. The following pattern groups apply:

Group Pattern Details
%a Matches any sequences of characters.
%A Matches any positive-length sequence of characters.
%b Optionally matches multiple pairs of square bracket and the content between them. Cannot handle nested brackets.
%n Matches and captures a general episode number, which may or may not specify a season number. If it specifies a season number, it must follow the s1e1 pattern, case insensitive. In that case, both season and specific episode numbers are extracted. This pattern group may also match a single sequence of digits which will be interpreted as the specific episode number.
%f Matches and captures the remaining non-dot characters of the file name and interprets it as the file name suffix to include on the output file.
%% Matches the literal character %.