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Try it for yourself!

This is a demonstration repo for this npm issue.

Here are two scenarios where the unexpected behavior occurs:

Scenario 0: Setup

Before trying each scenario, please make sure that you have run npm install and there are no further local changes (reset after trying scenario 1).

You can see which branch is installed by checking the name of the file inside node_modules/@proj/source, which is either main.branch or dev.branch.

Scenario 1: Changing the dependency

  1. Change package.json to depend on the dev branch (#dev instead of #main). Don't forget to save the file.
  2. Run npm install
  3. Check for the currently installed branch. It will still be main.branch.

Deleting node_modules does not fix this

For these steps, follow at least step 1 from above.

Weirdly, this happens before and after running npm install in step 2 above.

  1. Delete the node_modules directory.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. As you will see, main.branch is present again, even though we just reinstalled all packages (caching issue?) For this behavior, the branch referenced in package-lock.json doesn't matter.

Scenario 2: Changing the branch

  1. Switch to the depends-on-dev branch.
  2. Run npm install
  3. Check for the currently installed branch. It will still be main.branch.

Again, deleting node_modules does not fix this.