
Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript (this game will be played using the DOM, not the console)

Primary LanguageCSS

Arithmós Eikázo̱

Number Guessor game

How The Game Is Played

  • A player puts in a number between 1 and 99.

  • The guess number will be compared to the randomly generated number

  • If the guess number is greater than the random number, the player will
    receive this response; "Too high + guess number + try again." (NG_tooHigh.png)

  • If the guess number is less than the random number, the player will receive this response; "Too low + guess number + try again."

  • If the guess number is equal to the random number, the player will receive this response; "Yay! Correct. You Smartie Pants!"

Built With:


How to Install locally:

Fork and clone this repository to your terminal.
Create your Feature Branch
Commit your Changes 
Push to the Branch
Open a Pull Request


Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, or distribute copies of the Software.


Thank you note to my teammates for helping debug my code; Juman, Tony, Marcus and Matthew.