
WE are making Project Named Hostel Care ++ using Python and Gui - Tkinter with DataBase Named Ops with 4 Tables 1st table Employee Details column name ( Employee name ,password) , 2nd table Hosteler Details column names (Hostoler Name , password ) , 3rd table name Admin Details (Admin name , Password) , 4rth table name Request with column (Room number, Request , confirmatory ) on MYSQL and Data structure - Bubble sort This project is Start with a log-in selection page for Employee , Admin, Hostoler by clicking u are directed to there respective Login page if they are Hostoler after logged in they are check from the database table named Hostler Details(column Enroll , password )if they are not present they are sent not a student if they present they are directed to the page where hostoler can raise request with there requests and room number after entering u it's saved in database IN MYSQL table named Request filling column name (room number and request ) . After that Employee who logged in they are check from the database table named Employee Details column name (Employee , password )if they are not present they are sent not a Employee if they present they are directed to the next page where the request Table from database can be Fetched and displayed in ascending order with respect to room number saved in table named Request using data structure Bubble sort seen by Employee who can search which room request is completed task or not and after completing the employee can enter room number and confirmatory statements which is saved also in Table named request column Named (confirmatory ) to it's parallel to Entered room number . In End there is Admin log in page after he logged in they are checked from table Admin details where if they are present in table they are directed to next page where he can fetch all the tables from Database tables named ( Employee Details , Request , Hostoler Detail ) and admin can also add new employee inserting in Table in Employee Details. Problem Statement : The outdated paper-based request management system creates unnecessary hassle for both the hostelers and employees. The manual signing process for requests also wastes time for the employees.