
Compiled version of Qvin0000's ExileAPI to make things easy

Primary LanguageHLSL

Compiled ExileAPI

It is highly recommended that you use the limited user method explained here.

This reads the memory of the Path of Exile client application and displays it on transparent overlay.

Donation Info

Donations can be made via:


  • BTC - 3HUCmZNnbpV5qLVn3e6MbW9k6byVxT2jxZ
  • ETH - 0x5a9a803D669b9D7c49E909bE44b4e2f686A6D49D
  • BCH - qr39wjall330uphk6v65uusqunvfyrvz3uem7jnljw

Keyboard Info

  • Press F12 to show / hide the Menu

Available features

  • Item Filter Parser - working with any item filter
  • Health bars
  • Icons on minimap & large map
  • Item drop alerts & sounds
  • Latency & fps info
  • Advenced tooltip: item level, item mods, weapon DPS
  • XP rate
  • Preload alerts
  • DPS meter
  • Floating combat display
  • Monster kill counter with session
  • Highly customizable via the menu


  • Require Microsoft C++ Redistributable
  • .NET framework v.4.8
  • Windows Vista or newer (XP won't work)
  • Path of Exile should be running in Windowed or Windowed Fullscreen mode (the pure Fullscreen mode does not let PoeHUD draw anything over the game window)
  • Windows Aero transparency effects must be enabled. (If you get a black screen this is the issue)
  • DirectX 9 redistributable.
  • Windows scaling usually needs to be set to 100%