The website code for H2TC


  • _config.yml: configuration file for the website layout and structure, such as site description, logo, site navigation and footer.
  • the Home page.
  • the Dataset page.
  • the Tools page.
  • the Recorder page.
  • the Pose page. [todo]
  • team member page. [not shown on the website yet]
  • site researching page. [not shown on the website yet]
  • default Not Found page. [it appears when something gets wrong]
  • default offline page. [it appears when users are offline]
  • LICENSE: the website template LICENSE, not ours.
  • Gemfile, alembic-jekyll-theme.gemspec: the file to deploy a local website.
  • CNAME: DNS record that maps an alias name to a true or canonical domain name.


  • assets: the location for our used images and videos.
  • _sass: the style sheets for the current template.
  • _includes: the include tag allows you to include the content from another file stored in the _includes folder.
  • _layouts: the location for various template pages.

How to check the website in real-time

You need to deploy a local website following the official docs. It includes:

  1. Install Jekyll, Ruby and Bundler
  2. Build your site locally: 1) Open the terminal. 2) Navigate to this folder. 3) Run bundle install. 4) Run bundle exec jekyll serve --port 4000. 5) To preview your site, in your web browser, navigate to http://localhost:4000.


  1. The default port is 4000. You can change it to avoid conflict.
  2. The local website content will update synchronously when you change the source codes. If the local website is not updated synchronously, you need to rerun the bundle exec jekyll serve --port 4000 and reopen the site.