
A small node module that helps integration your application with cratejoy.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A small node module that helps integrate your application with veracore/promail. There are still several SOAP methods on veracore/promail that are not implemented in this module. Feel free to fork and make pull requests, or add issues as you please.


npm install node-veracore


After having installed it, simply require it, set it up with your own clientId and clientSecret, and start calling methods!

var veracore = require('node-veracore')('username','password');


Functions and responses

Functions Returns to callback Explanation
getOffers (searchString, callback) callback(err, results) Gets all offers that have an ID or Description matching the search string. Use % as a wildcard character.
getProduct (id, ownerId, callback) callback(err, result) Gets product by id and ownerId.
getOrder (id, callback) callback(err, result) Gets an order by id.
addOrder (orderRequest, callback) callback(err, result) Adds an order using the orderRequest object (see details on the orderRequest object below), and returns the order id.
getShippingActivity (startDate, endDate, callback) callback(err, result) Gets all shipping activity between the start date and end date as ISO string.
getShippingCharge (startDate, endDate, callback) callback(err, result) Gets all shipping charges between the start date and end date as ISO string (includes tracking #).
connect (callback) callback(client) Connects to the SOAP client. This is mostly an internal method, but you can use it if you ever need to reconnect for some reason.

orderRequest object

Property Description
shipTo object The information about the user that you want to ship to. Notice that properties are capitalized, this is a requirement from veracore.
items object An object where the key is the offerId and the value is quantity.
comments string Comments to attached to the order.
shipping object The FreightCode and [FreightCodeDescription] for shipping.
order object An object that will be used to override any properties in the order. Use this to tweak an order to your heart's content.


Getting Offers

veracore.getOffers('ZB-%', function(err, results){
  if(err) throw err;


Add an Order

var orderRequest = {
  shipTo: {
    FullName: "Justin Maier",
    Address1: "123 MadeUp St",
    City: "Redmond",
    State: "Washington",
    PostalCode: "12345",
    Country: "USA",
    Phone: "425-555-1234",
    Email: "justin@someemail.com"
  items: {
  comments: "DO NOT PROCESS!",
  shipping: {
    FreightCode: "P01",
    FreightCodeDescription: "USPS First Class Mail"

veracore.addOrder(orderRequest, function(err, result){
  if(err) throw err;
  console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));