
The creator of this script deleted every social in his hands, this was just a fork of the original project

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Audio Lyrics Embedding Script (lrcput.py)

The lrcput.py script allows you to embed LRC (Lyrics) files into both FLAC, M4A and MP3 audio files. It supports specifying a directory containing the audio files and their corresponding LRC files with the same name.

this script was designed to embed lyrics acquired from lrcget


  • Python 3.x
  • Required Python libraries (install using pip install):
    • mutagen
    • eyed3
    • tqdm (for progress bar)


  1. Place your audio files (FLAC or M4A or MP3) and their corresponding LRC files in the same directory.

  2. Open a terminal or command prompt.

  3. Navigate to the directory where the script lrcput.py is located.

  4. Run the script with the following command to embed LRC files and optionally reduce (delete) them:

    python lrcput.py -d "path/to/your/directory" -s -r

Replace "path/to/your/directory" with the actual path to the directory containing your audio and LRC files.

-d or --directory: Specify the directory containing audio files and LRC files.
-s or --skip: Optional. Skip files that already have embedded lyrics.
-r or --reduce: Optional. Reduce (delete) LRC files after embedding.
-R or --recursive: Optional. Recursively process subdirectories


Suppose you have the following directory structure:

|-- song1.flac
|-- song1.lrc
|-- song2.mp3
|-- song2.lrc
|-- song3.m4a
|-- song3.lrc
|-- ...

To embed LRC files into the audio files and delete them after embedding, navigate to the script's directory and run the following command:

python lrcput.py -d "path/to/audio_directory" -s -r


  • The LRC files should have the same name astheir corresponding audio files, but with a .lrc extension.

  • You can modify the script's options andbehavior by editing the script directly.

  • Make sure to backup your original audiofiles before running the script.


This script utilizes the mutagen and eyed3 libraries for working with audio and metadata.