
Simple language compiler

Primary LanguagePHP

SimpleCompiler (Tiny Three-Pass Compiler)

This project is the solution of Kata from CodeWars.

Detailed description: https://www.codewars.com/kata/5265b0885fda8eac5900093b

It is a three-pass compiler for a simple programming language into a small assembly language

The programming language has this syntax:

function   ::= '[' arg-list ']' expression

arg-list   ::= /* nothing */
             | variable arg-list

expression ::= term
             | expression '+' term
             | expression '-' term

term       ::= factor
             | term '*' factor
             | term '/' factor

factor     ::= number
             | variable
             | '(' expression ')'

Variables are strings of alphabetic characters. Numbers are strings of decimal digits representing integers. So, for example, a function which computes a^2 + b^2 might look like:

[ a b ] a*a + b*b

A function which computes the average of two numbers might look like:

[ first second ] (first + second) / 2