- Easy install, all dependencies are already included, just need to have a java environment.
Spring Boot x H2 Db
java -jar PornBot.jar
JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:~/porn/porn-db
User Name: sa
Password: empty
Record Table:
viewKey :The website's video unique key.
imageUrl :Image url of video.
linkUrl :Video jump to Website`s link
videoUrl :Video adrress.
videoTitle :Title of video.
videoDuration :Video click count.
videoQuality :Defualt quality - 240, 480, 960, 1280p.
download :Has been downloaded. True or false.
createdTime :The record created time.
filePath :The video downloaded path.
FILE_PATH :Video download path.
VIDEO_DOWNLOAD_SIZE :Maximum download size of the video.(Byte)
MAX_PAGE_SIZE :Crawling page size.
CONCURRENT_THREAD_SIZE :Muilti-threads request amount.
START_URL :Crawling url.
DOWNLOAD_VIDEO :Download video. Y or N.