The code for comunidades unidas internal website.
This project uses Node + Express to interact with a MySQL Database and provide JSON APIs. The frontend is a React SPA that uses Typescript, babel, and webpack.
comunidades-unidas-internal exposes JSON REST APIs at
Here are instructions to boot up this project locally so that you can change the code.
First, install the following:
- Git
- Docker. This will also install docker-compose.
- Node. Feel free to use nvm for this if you prefer, but any installation will work. Version >=13 is needed.
- pnpm.
Now, run the following commands in a terminal:
git clone
cd comunidades-unidas-internal
pnpm install
pnpm run fix-everything
Now create a file inside of the comunidades-unidas-internal directory called .env
# Required for local dev - can be any value
# Only needed if you're testing specific features
# Ask Joel or Leonel for the values to use if you need them
# GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<insert_id_here>
# GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<insert_client_secret_here>
# GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL=http://localhost:8080/api/auth/google/callback
# GUEST_GITHUB_KEY=<insert_github_key_here>
# JPLS_USERNAME=<juntos_por_la_salud_ventanilla_username>
# JPLS_PASSWORD=<juntos_por_la_salud_ventanilla_password>
# TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=<twilio account sid>
# TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=<twilio auth token>
# TWILIO_SMS_SERVICE_SID=<twilio sid for the SMS service account>
# PUBLIC_PATH=<webpack public path>
Now run the following command:
pnpm run develop
Now go to http://localhost:8080 in a browser.
The nodejs server starts up before the database, so it's expected to see some database connection issues. If you're seeing other db-migrate errors, though, that are not related to connection, check if you have a DATABASE_URL
environment variable set. If so, remove it.
# check if you have a database url env variable set, which can cause issues
printenv | grep DATABASE_URL
# remove the env variable
This project is hosted by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. To deploy the code, simply merge a pull request to main, which will automatically trigger a deployment via Travis CI. You can see all current and previous deployments at
If you need to make a change to the database schema, create a database migration by running the following command:
./node_modules/.bin/db-migrate create name-of-the-migration --sql-file
This will create a directory in the migrations
folder that has an "up" and a "down" sql file. The up file should create tables or modify columns,
the down file should drop tables and unmodify columns.
After creating a migration, you'll have to run ./node_modules/.bin/db-migrate up
to run it against your local database. You can run either pnpm run develop-database
or pnpm run develop
to start up your database. ./node_modules/.bin/db-migrate down
should also be tested, to ensure that the migration can be undone. The migration will automatically run on the production database during the deployment in Travis CI.
From a terminal in the comunidades-unidas-internal directory, run the following commands:
docker-compose exec db bash
mysql -u root -ppassword # yep, it has two p's. The first is for password, the second is for the word password which is the password
# Now you'll be in the mysql shell
use local_db;
show tables;
SELECT * FROM clients;
# etc etc
When using Windows, the above command does not work within the Git for Windows
shell without using winpty
. Fortunately, winpty
comes installed with Git for Windows
To be able to run the exact same command in a Windows environment, you need to add the following lines to your .bashrc file:
alias docker='winpty docker'
alias docker-compose='winpty docker-compose'
If you don't want to add these aliases, you will need to run the following command when starting docker-compose
winpty docker-compose exec db bash
Run the following commands in a terminal. Replace $HOSTNAME
with the correct values.
eb ssh
sudo yum install mysql
# Now you'll be in the mysql shell
use ebdb;
show tables;
SELECT * FROM clients LIMIT 10;
Install ebcli. Then run eb ssh
. Our code is
inside of the /var/app/current/
If the production environment is having issues, you'll need access to Comunidades Unidas' AWS account to diagnose. Once you have access,
you'll need to install Python3 and
ebcli. Then run eb status
, eb logs
, and other commands to try to diagnose.
To provide someone with programmatic API access, perform the following steps:
- Choose a username and password for them.
- Choose a Google auth user for this programmatic user to "spoof". "Developers CU" is a decent one if no others make sense. This is the user that the programmatic user will inherit their permissions from. Use Developers CU if they need immigration access, but use a different, non-immigration account for those that don't need immigration access. Find the user id for this user.
- Choose an expiration date for their access. It's better to give them short-lived access whenever possible, and have them ask for an extension if needed.
- On your local machine, run
node script-utils/generate-password-hash.js
. - In the production database, run the following command. Be sure to modify the values first!
INSERT INTO programmaticUsers (username, password, userId, expirationDate) VALUES ('username', 'password', 1, '2020-10-05 00:00:00');
- Give the programmatic user the username and password. Tell them to read this documentation on how to authenticate.
- Verify that the account works. Install httpie and run the following command:
http -a username:password
and verify you get a client list back.