
An API built on .NET 8 serving as the back end for the ReadRoulette platform. ReadRoulette allows users to create accounts.

Primary LanguageC#


An API built on .NET 8 serving as the back end for the ReadRoulette platform. ReadRoulette allows users to create accounts.


  • Users can create accounts in the platform
  • Users can create a to-read book list
  • Users can visit their to-read list and ask the platform for a random book
  • Users can create book clubs and invite other users to the club
  • The book club chooses a user to pick a book for the club to read


  • .NET 8
  • Postgresql

How to run

  1. Clone repo
  2. cd into ReadRoulette/ReadRoulette
  3. Run dotnet user-secrets init
  4. Run dotnet user-secrets set ConnectionStrings:DbConnectionString "Server=<db-server-here>;Database=ReadRoulette_Dev;Username=<user>;Password=<pw>"
  5. Run dotnet ef database update
  6. Run dotnet run
  7. Import ReadRoulette.postman_collection.json into Postman
  8. Create a book in Postman.