
My first android application which calculates tips and splits the bill.

Primary LanguageKotlin



An application that gives tip recomendations based on the quality of service the user felt was recieved and allows them to split the bill.

Project Status

This project is currently in development. Users can rate the quality of service they revieved and get a suggested tip amount. The app displays the amount of the tip, the percent, the number of people paying, the total amount and the amount per person. The number of people, amount of tip and percentage of the tip can all be adjusted by the user.

Project Screen Shot

Tip Time

Installation and Setup Instructions

Clone down this repository. You will need android studio installed on your machine.
Download: $ git clone https://github.com/JusteenR/tip-calc.git Import Project by Android Studio Menu > File > Import Project


While I working at my internship at RBC for their Amplify Program as a developer I decided to make this side project. After following a the google basic tutorial to make a tip calculator I decided to make my own which focused more on object orientated programming concepts such as abstract classes and modularization. My goals included using technologies learned up until this point about android app development and learning new skills while putting them into practice. This was a challenging experience since I am new to mobile app development. I was able to familiarize myself with best practices and learn many new things. One of the main challenges was designing the code to be modularized/maintainable. I wanted to make sure I designed it so I could easily add more features into the app. The technologies I implemented in this project are Kotlin and XML and I used Android Studio. In my next iteration I plan on allowing the user to choose the type of industry they are tipping at and alter the suggestions based on that.