Testing the application

Running the application

Ensure both docker and docker-compose are installed on your local machine or vm.

Run the following commands:

  • Rename .env.example to .env in the backend directory
  • docker-compose up -d --build in the root directory
  • The web application should be running on port 3000 of you host machine. (Eg. http://localhost:3000)
  • The API application should be running on port 8000 of you host machine. (Eg. http://localhost:8000)
  • You should see a swagger UI on the root route of your the API application.

Running the tests

For API, Run docker-compose run --rm api sh -c "python manage.py test"

For WEB Run:

  • npm install in the /frontend directory
  • npm test

Default Login Credentials for the 2 game players

  "username": "frank",
  "password": "secret",
  "username": "james",
  "password": "secret",

Postgres Adminer

The postgres adminer is running on port 5050 of your local machine with this login details:

  "username": "admin@example.com",
  "password": "admin"

To add a server, use this details:

Name: [Any Name At all]

On the connection tab, use this details:

    "host": "db",
    "port": 5432,
    "maintenanceDatabase": "postgres",
    "username": "sail",
    "password": "password"

After creating the server, you can find the tables on the left pane.

Screenshot 2023-08-29 at 06 51 59

Sample Game
