Hactoberfest 2k22 flutter Challenge

  1. Get any design from Dribble Apps

  2. Fork this repository ( Click the Fork button in the top right of this page ).

  3. Clone your fork into your local machine

  1. Under the Apps folder, create a flutter app with your GitHub username .
flutter create ${Your Github username} 
  1. Code the downloaded design using flutter in the folder that you have created.

  2. You should include screenshots of app pages in your README file.

  3. Commit and Push your code

git add .
git commit -m 'commit message'
git push -u origin your-branch-name
  1. Open your forked repository and submit a new pull request (Click the New Pull Request button at the top of your repository)

  2. Review your PR and wait for it to be approved for mergingšŸŽ‰