
Appointment scheduling app built with React.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Interview Scheduler

Final Product

"gif of application capabilities"

"edit feature screenshot"

"delete image screenshot"


Development Mode

  1. Fork this repository, then clone your fork of this repository.
  2. Install dependencies using the npm install command.
  3. For the API server, fork and clone the repository found at https://github.com/Justin1002/scheduler-api
  4. Follow the instructions in the API server README to set-up the local database
  5. start up the API server, and start up the scheduler app using npm start
  6. Go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

Hosted Website for Production

  1. Visit https://lhl-scheduler-app.netlify.app/ for a hosted version of the application

Running Jest Test Framework

Run the jest framework using the following command:

npm test

Running Storybook Visual Testbed

Run the Storybook visual component views using the following command:

npm run storybook

Running Cypress end-to-end testing framework

Ensure the API server is running in test mode with the following command in your schedulerapi folder.

npm run test:server

Make sure the development server is ran with npm start in a separate terminal, then run the cypress testing framework using the following command:

npm run cypress


  • Axios
  • Classnames
  • React
  • react-dom
  • react-scripts

Full list of dependencies details can be found in the package.json file


Added extras include:

  1. Web socket capabilities (dynamic updates for multiple users, this can be tested by having multiple browsers open on the same page)