OrangeBits is a WebMatrix extension that automatically compiles LESS, SaSS, and CoffeeScript
- 0
Crash Error
#19 opened by moseke - 0
- 1
Shouldn't Create css files for partials
#17 opened by ajwaka - 0
Add support for automatically uploading newly generated .css files to remote site
#16 opened by zangai - 1
- 4
- 2
Add Visual Studio Support for this project
#10 opened by motowilliams - 4
Provide a way to get compiler output
#11 opened by JustinBeckwith - 1
Support @import for SASS compilation
#12 opened by deedubbleyoo - 3
- 0
Do not overwrite existing CSS/JS file
#8 opened by JustinBeckwith - 5
Auto-compile won't turn off (.scss)
#14 opened by kahlusha - 1
No autocompletion for SCSS
#13 opened by jgclifton - 2
- 2
Set path of the compiled files
#6 opened by garthenweb - 1
- 2
Compile to minified CSS?
#1 opened by getsetbro - 0
Support @import for LESS
#2 opened by JustinBeckwith - 1