This is my repository where I am fiddling around with the C version of the RayLib library to makes some visualizations and other toys/programs mostly inpired by the The Coding Train's Youtube series, Coding Challenges.
- A reaction diffusion visualization inspired by this Coding Train video
- Works, but need some optimisation to work at higher resolutions
- A Recamán's Sequence visualization inspired by this Coding Train video
- In progress
For Windows using VSCode it's as an IDE it's as simple as:
- Downloading the installer from the lastest release and installing in the default path (another path can be used, but this project is set up for the default path of C:/raylib).
- Install the "C/C++" VSCode extension
- Opening the main.code-workspace file in VSCode.
- You're good to go!
The RayLib Wiki contains all the information you should need to set these projects up on any platform in your IDE of choice.