Scripts that run on command line of Windows and Terminal of Mac OS and Linux. Tested in Python 3.6.5.
Provided a list of valid email of people. This application will create a csv file containing each of their fullname and linkedin url along with the email.
- fullcontact api key: Visit and create an account. After registering and veriying account, generate a fullcontact API key. This key will be asked at the beginning of the program execution.
- Input a csv file containing just one column named Email and rows containing the emails of people whom you want to get the details of. Here the input file is named emails.csv.
- Output file will be named userDetails.csv and will be stored at the same location of the program. This file will contain three columns - Email, Full Name, Linkedin URL. If the API could not find any of these details then "Not Found" will be the value.
- urllib | Install - pip install urllib | Import urllib.request
- json | pip install json
- csv | pip install csv
- os | pip install os
- tkinter | pip install tkinter | import Tk, messagebox, filedialog
- validate_email | pip install validate_email