
Gameboy LinkUp serial cable networking project

Primary LanguageAssembly

* Welcome
Thanks for downloading Gameboy LinkUp

Visit https://bitbucket.org/JustinLloyd/gameboy-linkup/overview for 
more information and to download the latest version.

* License
                      DO WHATEVER PUBLIC LICENSE*

  0. You can do whatever you want to with the work.
  1. You cannot stop anybody from doing whatever they want to with the work.
  2. You cannot revoke anybody elses DO WHATEVER PUBLIC LICENSE in the work.

 This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
 the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
 and/or modify it under the terms of the DO WHATEVER PUBLIC LICENSE
 Software originally created by Justin Lloyd @ http://otakunozoku.com/

* About
This is a Gameboy and Gameboy Color client/server module for two player head-
to-head games via a serial connection. First version as I recall was written 
around 1993 or 1994 and then later updated in 1999. Someone might find this
useful somewhere in the world.
* Pre-requisites
2. Two Nintendo Gameboys and a serial link-up cable or an emulator that 
   supports that feature.

* Using Gameboy LinkUp
1. You're on your own - read the code, fiddle around a bit.

* Support
Absolutely none provided.

        Software originally created by Justin Lloyd, October 1996-ish
         and distributed via the DO WHATEVER PUBLIC LICENSE in 2012.