
Learning With Errors Post Quantum Cryptography.

Primary LanguagePython

(LWE) Post Quantum Encryption

A bare bones python implementation of the Learning with Errors (LWE) post quantum encryption algorithm. LWE provides resistance against quantum computers by using randomly generated matrices over integers modulo a prime number.

LWE relies on the hardness of distinguishing random linear equations from those with added small errors.

We begin with the following constant values:

A vector length of $'n'$.

A discrete integer secret $'s'$.

A randomly selected prime integer $'q'$.

We then generate a public key made up of length $n$ vectors A and B.

Vector A

Each $A_i$ is randomly generated where $A_i$ is less than $q$. $$A = (A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_i, \ldots, A_n)$$

Vector e

Each $e_i$ is a small randomly generated integer where $e_i$ is less than a fixed integer much smaller than $q$.

$$e = (e_1, e_2, \ldots, e_i, \ldots, e_n)$$

Vector B

Each $B_i$ is computed as follows: $$B_i \equiv A_i \cdot (s + e_i) \pmod{q}$$

Random Samples

Next we choose various random indexes $i$ and sample pairs from A and B.

( $A_i$ , $B_i$ ).

We let $z$ denote the sample size.

To encrypt, we implement.

$$u=\left( \sum_{i=1}^z A_i Samples \right) \pmod{q} $$

$$v=\left( \sum_{i=1}^z B_i Samples \right) + \left\lfloor \frac{q}{2} \right\rfloor \cdot M \pmod{q} $$

Where $M$ is a single bit to be encrypted.

The single encryped bit is now stored in $(u,v)$.

To decrypt, the we follow:

Bit = $(v - s \cdot u) (mod q)$

Original algorithm invented by Oded Regev. This python implementation was created by: Justin Newman.

Based on a lesson by Bill Buchanan OBE. Bill Buchanan OBE. https://youtu.be/MBdKvBA5vrw?feature=shared

Contributions are welcome!