- Node.js
- Git
- Text editor of choice
- Clone the repo.
- If you are on the "Solution" branch ->
git checkout master
npm install
install dependenciesnpm run dev
run the application- View the starter app at localhost:3000
Introduce Next
Explain that this will be a simple app showcasing Next features and basic react components - we won't do every little thing.
Clone the repo.
Create the homepage with "Welcome to the homepage"
Create the /characters page with "Characters!" rendered
Introduce Navigation in Next by showing docs https://github.com/zeit/next.js/tree/master#with-link-1
TASK: Create a navigation component
Explain prefetching(production only) and navigable links between home and characters. Add prefetch to links
Explain styled JSX and make the nav look slightly less terrible.
TIMED TASK: style the nav
Explain get initial props. copy example from next docs. https://github.com/zeit/next.js/tree/master#with-link-1
Introduce SWAPI, and get the data for characters.
Console log the character data in props.
Create list component
Pass the data directly to a list item tag
TASK(ITEM): Create Item component
TASK(ITEM): Pass data through components and render character names.
TASK(ITEM): Use styled-jsx to make these components render out tiles or something else snazzy.
EXTENSION TASK: Create the planets page following the same format.
EXTENSION TASK: Display more information in your tiles
EXTENSION TASK: Display more information in your tiles onClick