

Wrritten by Solidity 8.17V

# Sample Hardhat Project
This contract whats includes?
  • Time Locker

  • BNB Locker

  • LIQ Locker

  • Token Paying

  • BNB Paying

  • Whitelist Method

  • Private Sell

  • Public Sell

Try running some of the following tasks:

npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

Code Docs 📄

Using this function for creating new presale

function CreatePresale ( 
     address _tokenCA,uint256[6] memory _launchpadInfo, 
     string[4] memory _Additional,  
     uint _endTime, 
     uint _startTime, 
     address _pool, 
     address next_pool
   ) {...}

Line 94

Using this function for participate in presale

 function participate(uint256 _id)
      payable external {...}

Line 153

Using this function for get tokens

   function distributePoolTokens(
     uint _id, 
     address _recipient
      external assessAddressPayment(_id, _recipient) returns (bool) {...}

Line 208

Using this function for paying bnb to owner of presale

 function distributePoolBNB(
    uint _id,
    address _poolOwner
  ) external payable returns (bool) {...}

Line 237

for more help email me : Justinstar-py@gmailcom