- Time Locker
- BNB Locker
- LIQ Locker
- Token Paying
- BNB Paying
- Whitelist Method
- Private Sell
- Public Sell
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npx hardhat help
npx hardhat test
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
function CreatePresale ( address _tokenCA,uint256[6] memory _launchpadInfo, string[4] memory _Additional, uint _endTime, uint _startTime, address _pool, address next_pool ) {...}
Line 94
function participate(uint256 _id) payable external {...}
Line 153
function distributePoolTokens( uint _id, address _recipient ) external assessAddressPayment(_id, _recipient) returns (bool) {...}
Line 208
function distributePoolBNB( uint _id, address _poolOwner ) external payable returns (bool) {...}
Line 237