
Primary LanguageHTML

An e-commerce framework build upon Laravel + VueJS + Bulma

You might have been tired with Magento or Shopify, Checkout this one to work with your loved Laravel framework and build a e-commerce website in seconds.


  • composer install
  • npm install
  • Copy .env.example as .env
  • Setup database config
  • Setup APP_URL
  • php artisan key:generate
  • php artisan migrate
  • Setup symlink for storage: php artisan storage:link

Customization And Develop

1: Setup your own theme folder

  • I have provide a default theme for you, but you might need something special. Please create your own theme root folder in resources/frontend/custom/{your_theme_name}.
  • Please don't change the framework source code, but only coding inside of your theme folder. ( You can change the framework source code, for sure, but you might have trouble when you want to pull the updates. )
  • In your theme root folder, init a new git repo and start building something awesome.
  • In Chinese:
  • 在 resources/frontend/custom/{your_theme_name} 目录下创建你自己的主题目录文件夹, 当然在 .env 文件里给 frontend_theme 项设定相同的值 custom.{your_theme_name}. 请参考 .env.example 文件.
  • 请不要修改框架的任何文件中的代码 (当然你可以自己修改, 只是在以后pull更新的时候, 恐怕会很麻烦).
  • 请在您自己的文件夹中创建自己的主题即可.

2: Frontend Development

  • Define your own frontend theme path in .env:
  • Frontend css file: resources/frontend/custom/{your_theme_name}/_custom.scss ( Or less/stylus but you need to update webpack.mix.js )
  • Frontend javascript: resources/frontend/custom/{your_theme_name}/_custom.js
  • Customized Frontend layout files root folder: resources/frontend/custom/{your_theme_name}/layouts/frontend
  • Customized view files root folder: resources/frontend/custom/{your_theme_name}

3: Backend Development

  • Backend styles: resources/assets/sass/backend/_styles.scss ( Please scss )
  • Backend javascript: resources/assets/js/backend.js

4: npm run watch 5: Happy coding ...


  • composer install
  • npm install ( You might need install autoconf first, run "sudo apt-get install autoconf" in Ubuntu for instance)
  • Edit .env file
  • php artisan key:generate
  • php artisan migrate
  • php artisan storage:link
  • npm run prod