
Introductory repository for CS510, containing useful crash-course learning material

Primary LanguagePython

Welcome to CS510 at Chapman University

This is an introductory repository that contains useful learning material

First skim this introduction to git that explains why you should use it:

Next complete the following simulated tutorial to get a feel for how git works in practice:

The following "cheat sheet" will be helpful in the future:

The following link may help setting up your own personal GitHub account:

Once you have your own GitHub account, fork this CS510 repository there, according to:

This readme is written in the Markdown markup language. You can learn Markdown quickly below:

Markdown is perfectly adequate for simple documentation tasks. For larger, more formal papers, LaTeX is the gold standard:

As seen briefly above, the website LearnXinYMinutes is a generally valuable resource for quickly referencing and mastering syntax for new programming languages. A few more of its more relevant sections have been stored in this GitHub repository for quick reference:

  • JSON (Structured data file)
  • YAML (Cleaner structured data file)
  • Bash (Primary shell used in UNIX/Linux systems)

Since learning the Bash shell will be essential going forward, the following "cheat sheet" will be helpful:

Once you link your Sage Cloud account, you will find the following worksheet helpful: