
Converted Unity Object Coordinates to ROS coordinates and stored in a ROS bag

Primary LanguageC#

Bridging Unity and ROS for Data Collection

This project aims to seamlessly collect and transfer object coordinate data from Unity to ROS, empowering the integration of virtual environments with real-world robotic systems.

🔑 Key Features

  • Unity-ROS Communication: Establishes a robust connection using the Unity Robotics ROS TCP Connector for efficient data exchange.
  • Object Coordinate Conversion: Seamlessly transforms Unity object coordinates into ROS-compatible object coordinates using custom code, ensuring compatibility between systems.
  • Data Publication: Publishes object position and rotation data to a designated ROS topic at a configurable frequency, enabling real-time data access for robotic applications.

🖥️ Core Components:

RosPublisher class:

  • Establishes the ROS connection.
  • Registers a publisher for object data.
  • Implements the ToRos method for coordinate conversion.
  • Periodically publishes object position and rotation to ROS