Dispatch queue is an ultra-high performance queue extending Android message queue. Similar to the coroutine, it supports synchronous return and asynchronous execution. It can wrap the main thread and schedule flexibly
final StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
AsyncTask.execute(() -> {
output.append(1).append(", ");
GlobalQueue.getMainQueue().postRunnableBlocking(() -> {
// do you work , in the main-Thread
output.append(2).append(", ");
output.append(3).append(", ");
// invoke in the main-Thread and return a string data
String message = GlobalQueue.getMainQueue().call(() -> {
output.append(4).append(", ");
return "hello world";
output.append(5).append(" data ").append(message);
// output the order "1 2 3 4 5"
outputtheorder :1, 2, 3, 4, 5
创建 DispatchThread
DispatchThread messageDispatch = DispatchThread.create("message");
messageDispatch.postRunnable(() -> {
// do you work , work in message thread
messageDispatch.postRunnableScissors(() -> {
// output 1 2 3
// from message thread get a number, it will blocking until working finish.
int i = messageDispatch.call(() -> 1);
messageDispatch.postRunnableInIdleRunning(() -> {
// do your work , when the message thread idle will callback this runable