
An app built in Go for creating bills and saving them to a file.

Primary LanguageGo


  • An app to create, store and manage bills.
  • This app is built using Go.

Quick Start

  • Clone the repo: bash git clone https://github.com/Justtejas/Bills-App.git
  • run bash go run main.go bill.go in the root directory.


  • bash go run main.go bill.go
  •   Enter bill name: John\`s Bill
      Created the bill -  Created the bill -  Rent
      Choose Options (a - add item, s - save bill, t - add tip): a
      Whats the item name: Coffee
      Whats the price: 10
      Item added Coffee 10
      Choose Options (a - add item, s - save bill, t - add tip): t
      Enter the tip amount: 2
      Choose Options (a - add item, s - save bill, t - add tip): s
      Bill was saved
      In bills directory a file was created with the name John\`s Bill.txt
      Bill BreakDown: 
      Coffee:        ...$10
      tip            ...$2
      total:         ...$12.00