
This is a command line todo list app made in Golang to learn how command line apps work with flags and can take/pipe output from other commands. This was implemented for the sole purpose of learning Golang and how command line apps work.

Clone the repo

git clone
  • Open the cloned folder in terminal
  • run go build ./todo/
  • run ./todo with the any of the following flags:
    • -list
    • -add
    • -complete
    • -del
  • To list all the tasks:
    • ./todo -list
  • To add a task:
    • ./todo -add "New Task" or echo "New Task" | ./todo -add
  • To mark a task as complete:
    • ./todo -complete=1, where 1 is the index of the task
  • To delete a task from the list
    • ./todo -del=1, where 1 is the index of the task