LoRa test for dual-lora disaster.radio board.


Install Arduino IDE.

Install pyserial for Python 2:

python2 -m pip install pyserial

Go to File -> Options then click the button to the right of Additional Boards Manager Urls and add https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json on a new line. Click OK and then OK again.

Go to File -> Preferences and find the Board Manager, or if on an older version of the Arduino software go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager.

Search for "esp32" in the Board Manager and install the only result.

Go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries then search for "radiolib" and install the only result.

Now open main.ino from this repository.

In Tools select the following:

  • Board: ESP32 Dev Module
  • Upload speed: Upload speed 921600
  • CPU Frequency: 80 MHz
  • Flash mode: DIO
  • Flash size; 4 MB
  • Port: Whatever /dev/ttyUSB? it comes up as

Hook the board to 3.3 V and USB.

Now you should be able to upload.

Go to Tools -> Serial Monitor, set it to 115200 baud, and you should see serial output after uploading.

Enabling SD card

In setup() uncomment:

// testSD();

Enabling LoRa

To enable LoRa functionality, in setup() uncomment:

// initLora();

and in loop() uncomment:

// loraTransmit();

To switch to the second LoRa module, comment out the first line and uncomment the second line just before setup():

SX1262 lora = new Module(ss_lora1, dio2_lora1, rst, busy_lora1);
//SX1262 lora = new Module(ss_lora2, dio2_lora2, rst, busy_lora2);