
Connects printer and scanner USB devices to the renegade LIMS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A small node app that is meant to run on a single-board computer and securely connects a physical lab device to a remote renegade-lims node (which could be physically in the lab or not).

Specifically, the following device-types are supported:

  • USB thermal label printers
  • Plain USB webcams (for scanning DataMatrix codes only)

For printers this allows printing from the renegade-lims web app to in-lab thermal printers.

For scanners this makes it possible to show scan results in the renegade-lims web app when scanning on in-lab barcode scanners.

Supported barcode scanners

  • Any USB scanner that shows up as a webcam (e.g. SUMLUNG scanners from alibaba)

Supported label printers

  • Dymo LabelWriter 450
  • Dymo LabelWriter 450 Turbo
  • Dymo LabelWriter 4XL
  • Brother QL-570
  • Brother QL-700

Other similar models may work but have not been tested.


installing node.js

You might already have node.js installed. If so, ensure it is a recent version. If not, first log in as the non-root user you intend to run this application, then install nvm (node version manager).

Log out, then log back in, then use nvm to install node:

nvm install --lts

Now clone this repository into the user's homedir:

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/renegadebio/renegade-labdevice

To install the node dependencies do:

cd renegade-labdevice/
npm install

printer driver dependencies

If you're using this with a Brother printer then install the C program that talks to the printer. Fetch the ql-printer-driver repository:

git clone https://github.com/sudomesh/ql570

and follow the instructions in the included README.md

webcam scanner dependencies

If you're using this with a webcam-based barcode scanner, install these packages:

sudo apt install streamer dmtx-utils v4l-utils

The streamer utility captures single frames from the webcam. dmtx-utils provides the dmtxread command that decodes DataMatrix codes from the captured image and v4l-utils sets the brightness and contrast of the webcam.

HID/keyboard scanner dependencies

If you're using this with a USB barcode scanner that pretends to be a USB keyboard (most hand-held type USB barcode scanners are like this) then you will need:

sudo apt install build-essential git libusb-1.0-0 libusb-1.0-0-dev

and you will need to manually install the npm node-hid package by running this command from within this directory:

npm install node-hid


Copy the examples settings file:

cp settings.js.example settings.js

and edit to your liking.

Then copy the example devices file:

cp devices.json.example devices.json

and edit to your liking. Note that comments are allowed in this .json file.

TLS certificates


If you are using this locally on the same machine as renegade-lims then the hostname should probably just be localhost.

Now copy the server's cert to tls/server-cert.pem and copy tls/client-cert.pem to the appropriate place on the server.

and edit to taste.


If you're using a printer or webcam type device, ensure your user has write access to the device defined in the settings file. On ubuntu/debian systems you can do this using:

sudo usermod -a -G lp myUser # for printers
sudo usermod -a -G video myUser # for webcams

Where myUser is the username of the user that will be runnning this program. You will have to log out and log back in for the change to take effect.

Finally, ensure that the generated private key is only readable by root and the user that will be running the this program.


Then run:

npm start



You can run in insecure mode, where it won't bother validating the server certificate, using:

./bin/cmd.js --insecure


For printers you can test this client using bin/print_server_test.js from the bionet app.

Printing multiple copies

It seems that printing multiple copies is currently broken in the DYMO driver (or at least I couldn't get it to work). Setting supportsCopies: false in settings.js is a workaround but that puts a 3-4 second pause between each printed copy.

A better fix is to edit your printer's .ppd file (after you've installed the printer) which is probably in a path like:


and change the line:

*cupsManualCopies: False


*cupsManualCopies: True

Then reload CUPS:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups reload

Now you can set supportsCopies: true in settings.js.

Useful CUPS commands

To list all installed printers:

lpstat -v

List available paper sizes and options:

lpoptions -d DYMO-LabelWriter-450-Turbo -l

Print with custom paper size:

lpr -P DYMO-LabelWriter-450-Turbo -o media=Custom.20x39mm examples/example.png

To list all currently connected USB printers (not limited to installed printers):

lpinfo -v|grep "usb://"

To install a printer do e.g.:

sudo lpadmin -p "LabelWriter-450-turbo" -v usb://DYMO/LabelWriter%20450%20Turbo?serial=13011612335742 -m dymo:0/cups/model/lw450t.ppd

To list all printer drivers (for the -m argument in lpadmin -p):

lpinfo -m

To remove a printer do e.g:

sudo lpadmin -x LabelWriter-450-turbo

Multiple identical printers

If you have multiple identical printers and are having issues with CUPS printing on the wrong printer then you can try this method or resort to the next section on Printer Classes and create a class for each printer.

If you already installed the printer, uninstall with e.g:

sudo lpadmin -x "LabelWriter-450-turbo"

Find the vendor ID and serial number using:

lsusb -v | less

Scroll to the entry for your device. For the vendor ID you're looking for a line like:

  idVendor           0x0922 Dymo-CoStar Corp.

and for the serial number the line will look like:

  iSerial                 3 19110823073859

Now create a .rules file for your printer in /etc/udev/rules.d/ e.g. /etc/udev/rules.d/my-dymo-labelwriter-01010112345600.rules:

SUBSYSTEM=="usbmisc", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0922", ATTRS{serial}=="01010112345600", SYMLINK+="dymo/labelwriter-01010112345600"

replacing the vendor ID and serial number with the the info for your printer. The last line specified which /dev/ device this printer will show up as.

Make udev notice the changes by running:

udevadm trigger

Ensure the device you specified on the SYMLINK line shows up, e.g: /dev/dymo/labelwriter-01010112345600.

Edit /etc/cups/cups-files.conf to enable File device URIs by uncommenting and changing the FileDevice line:

FileDevice Yes

Restart cups:

sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart

Now (re-)install your printer, but this time using the new /dev/ path for your device URI like so:

sudo lpadmin -p "LabelWriter-450-turbo" -v file:/dev/dymo/labelwriter-01010112345600 -m dymo:0/cups/model/lw450t.ppd

Then activate the printer using:

sudo cupsenable "LabelWriter-450-turbo"
sudo cupsaccept "LabelWriter-450-turbo"

Setting up for production

The renegade-labdevice software should be installed under a non-root user account, so as root add a user account, e.g:

adduser renegade

Then log in as that user, ensure you are in the user's homedir and follow the instructions at the top of the README for installing this application and its dependencies.

Now for making the app auto start when the computer boots and auto restart when it crashes.

First install the psy process monitor globally:

npm install -g psy

Then as root:

sudo cp production/renegade-labdevice.initd /etc/init.d/renegade-labdevice
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/renegade-labdevice

If you used a different username than renegade then you'll need to change the runAsUser line in the init.d file.

Test that it works. As root do:

systemctl daemon-reload # only if using systemd
/etc/init.d/renegade-labdevice start

If it's working make it auto-start on reboot:

update-rc.d renegade-labdevice defaults

Notes on label sizes

Brother narrow labels

These labels are 29 mm wide for narrow labels and 62 mm wide for wide labels and come as one continous label which is cut by the printer.

The source image should be a monochrome (not greyscale) PNG of size 1083x336 for narrow labels and 1083x720 for wide labels. For continuous labels the length of the label is the width of the provided image.

There are several versions of the narrow Brother labels:

  • DK-2211: Continous narrow film labels (more durable)
  • DK-2210: Continous narrow paper labels
  • DK-1201: Pre-cut white paper labels
  • DK-2212: Continous wide film labels
  • DK-2205: Continous wide paper labels

The ql570 is used to print these labels.

The command for continous narrow labels is:

./ql_print /dev/usb/lp0 <label-type> label.png

Where <label-type> is:

  • n for continous narrow labels
  • 7 for pre-cut narrow labels
  • w for continous wide labels

An example narrow label is brother_ql_narrow.png.

Diversified BioTech WetGrip [GRDT-5000] (https://www.divbio.com/product/grdt-5000)

These are 2.00" x 0.25" labels for 96-well plates. They turn black when exposed to 70% isopropanol (still need to test with ethanol).

A 1020x440 pixel image printed with lpr -o media=Custom.51x22mm will have its sides and bottom aligned with the label. The top ~49 pixels will not be printed.

An example label is examples/diversified_biotech_wetgrip_GRDT-5000_plate_label.png.

Diversified BioTech Xylene Resistant RVTH-3000

These are a bit large for normal 2 ml cryotubes but they can work. They are resistant (but not immune) to 70% ethanol. Much less so for 70% isopropanol.

A 560x1083 pixel image printed with lpr -o media=Custom.20x39mm will fill the label.

An example label is diversified_biotech_tough_tags_RVTH-3000_medium_tube_labels.png.


  • Implement buffer for Brother labels to avoid folks printing too fast
  • Report USB connection status
  • Hook BLE scanning into the RPC system
  • Implement remote software update

License and Copyright

License is GPLv3

  • Copyright 2020 Marc Juul Christoffersen
  • Copyright 2016, 2017, 2018 BioBricks Foundation