Salesforce DX Project: Quick Start: Lightning Web Components

This is the first of many Lightning Web Components that will be built for Salesforce.

Configure Your Salesforce DX Project

The sfdx-project.json file contains useful configuration information for your project. See Salesforce DX Project Configuration in the Salesforce DX Developer Guide for details about this file.

sfdx-project.json File


You can get instructions and the code for the HTML, JS and XML files for this component in this Trailhead Module.

Hello World Files

Successful Component

Once component is pushed to org it can be added to the page using Lightning App Builder.

Lightning App Builder

The Lightning Web Component on the Page Lightning Web Component on Page


  • Salesforce
    • Lightning App Builder
    • Console
  • VSCode
    • Salesforce Extension Pack
    • Salesforce CLI
  • Git and GitHub
  • Git Bash

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