Infrastructure As A Service GCP


This project is a simple example of how to use Terraform to create a GCP project and a GCP instance. I will use VSCode to write the code and run the Terraform commands on a Windows machine.

Image of Running Instance on GCP

Running Instance


Create a GCP project

  • Create a GCP project

  • Create a new repository on GitHub and clone it to your local machine

  • Open the project on VSCode and create a new folder called "terraform"

  • Open a terminal on VSCode or other terminal window and change into the terraform folder directory

  • Run the following command to initialize the terraform project terraform init

  • Create a new file called "" and add the following code:

    provider "google" {
    # Path to GCP service account credentials
    credentials = file("Path to GCP service account credentials")
    # Your GCP project ID
    project = "your-project-id"
    # Any region of your choice
    region = "your preferred region"
    # Any zone of your choice
    zone = "your preferred zone"
    resource "google_compute_instance" "vm" {
    name         = "iaas-vm"
    machine_type = "e2-micro"
    zone         = "us-east4-b"
    boot_disk {
    initialize_params {
      image = "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts"
    network_interface {
    network = "default"
    access_config {
      // Ephemeral IP
  • In the terminal, run terraform fmt to format the code in the tf files

  • Run terraform init again to initialize the project

  • Run terraform plan to see what will be created

  • Run terraform apply to create the VM on GCP

After this step you will have a GCP project and a VM created. You should be able to see a VM in the console named iaas-vm under Compute Engine.

Terraform Apply Output

Terraform Apply Output

Once you are done with the project you can run the following command to destroy the resources so you don't incur more charges: terraform destroy

Terraform Destroy Output

Terraform Destroy Output


  • Terraform
  • Google Cloud Platform
    • CLI
    • Console
    • Compute Engine
  • VSCode
    • Terraform extension
  • Git and GitHub
  • Git Bash