Neighborhood Map Project (Jax Wing Finder)


The Neighborhood Map Project was built to fulfill requirements for the Udacity Front-End Developer Nanodegree. This is a single page app built using React. The app uses the Google Maps JavaScript API and FourSquare API to list restaurant locations serving wings in the Jacksonville, FL area.


Development Tools

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Google Maps was implemented using the Google Maps JavaScript API

The FourSquare API was used to fetch data about restaurant locations

Axios was used to fetch data from the FourSquare API about restaurant locations

Other Development Tools

  • CSS

  • HTML

  • JavaScript

Start the App

  • Make sure that you have Node.js installed on your local and then download or clone this repository

  • Navigate to the cloned file and type the following command:

    npm install

  • Then:

    npm start

The browser will automatically open the Neighborhood Map App. If it doesn't, visit localhost:3000 in the browser

Start the App in Production Mode

  • To run the App in production mode type the following command:

    npm run build

  • Then:

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

    Then the App should run on port 8000 or localhost:8000 in the browser

Resources Used

Resources consulted to build this project include:

Walkthroughs by:

Yahya Elharony at

Filter function derived from W3Schools