qt-1090 is a variant of the popular Dump1090 program. The latter was designed as a command line utility for RTLSDR devices. The qt-1090 version was created to allow the use of SDRplay devices, but it supports SDRplay devices, RTLSDR devices, HACKRF One, Lime devoces and the Adalm Pluto. It is equipped with a simple GUI.
The display shows the frequency spectrum of the region of 1090 MHz.
The default choice is to show the list of visible planes on the command window, by starting the http server and a browser, the position of the planes can be made visible as can be seen in the picture.
The icons for the planes are made slightly larger, clicking with the mouse on a plane icon will show some details of the flight on the right hand side of the browser.
The basic idea in the design of the GUI is that for each session one selects the input device. The GUI therefore contains a device selector; once a device is selected and could be opened, the selector is not visible anymore.
The default mode is to display the list of planes currently being seen (either completely or partly), the button on the widget - whentouched - will change that in showing the list of messages that is being received.
The http server is now integrated in the software. Touching the http button will start the server.
qt1090 has as option to automatically start the system's default browser, the checkbox on the bottom line of the main widget will activatee or deactivate that option.
The center of the map can be set by filling in a "home address", just give (an estimate of) your location in latitude and longitude (decimal values), and the software will center the map to that location.
The port used can be changed in the ".ini" file, a configiration file located in the user's home directory. Setting "http_port" variable in the ini file can be used to define another port than the default one "8080".
The bottom line contains a button "dump", pushing this button causes some data to be written onto a file. This data described the entry and exit points of planes in the system, data as given below
Plane 4951cc TAP764
36975 52.036 3.960 entered at Fri May 25 16:50:30 2018
37000 52.289 4.084 left at Fri May 25 16:53:45 2018
Plane 484188
20300 51.719 4.497 entered at Fri May 25 16:50:50 2018
21725 51.553 4.403 left at Fri May 25 16:54:19 2018
Plane 484557 KLM19P
14900 51.964 4.753 entered at Fri May 25 16:50:33 2018
18100 51.953 4.749 left at Fri May 25 16:55:01 2018
One may choose among three appearances of the control widget, Passing a '-A' or a '-B' parameter a stylesheet will be used to color the elements in the control widget. Passing a 'C' as parameter will show a widget without any color (other than the color of the brush on the display).
The settings will be saved.
The software is developed on a Linux system, and cross compiled for Windows. Wgile it is relatively easy to build an executable, an executable version for Linux (an AppImage) and an installer for Windows are available in the releases section
For linux one has to create the executable
Step 1 is of course downloading the sourcetree
- git clone https://githib.com/JvanKatwijk/qt-1090
To compile, you should have C++ and Qt5 installed.
Step 2 is configuring the executable
- cd qt-1090 /* into the qt-1090 directory
edit qt-1090.pro to select your device(s) by commenting out or uncommenting
CONFIG += sdrplay-v2
CONFIG += sdrplay-v3
CONFIG += dabstick
CONFIG += hackrf
CONFIG += lime
CONFIG += pluto
Note that the software - as usual with my software - will dynamically load the device driver when a device is selected.
Step 3 is running qmake/make
- qmake-qt5
- make
the created qt-1090 executable is in ./linux-bin
For Windows an installer is available
dump1090 is a program developed by Salvatore Sanfilippo antirez@gmail.com and is released under the BSD three clause license.
The idea and code of the bit decoder to work at 2400000 rather than at 2000000 samples/second is Copyright (c) 2014,2015 Oliver Jowett oliver@mutability.co.uk
qt-1090 uses source code from Dump1090, both the original version (Salvatore Sanfilippo) and a derived version (Oliver Jowett), Dump1090 was written by Salvatore Sanfilippo antirez@gmail.com and is released under the BSD three clause license. dump1090 as derived version is Copyright (c) 2014,2015 Oliver Jowett oliver@mutability.co.uk
Copyright of the modifications is J van Katwijk, Lazy Chair computing