
Small Python scripts to create a timelapse of screenshots on MacOS

Primary LanguagePython

MacOS Screenshot Timelapse

These are two scripts, one to take screenshots on MacOS on an interval and another to stitch together those screenshots into a timelapse video.

You run timelapse.py, which takes screenshots on an interval, with python timelapse.py {interval}.

Interval is an int and is optional, the default is 10s.

You run render_timelapse.py, which stitches those screenshots together into an MP4 video, with python render_timelapse.py {output_name} {fps}.

output_name is a string and is optional, the default is "timelapse.mp4".

fps is an int and is optional, the default is 30.

It uses OpenCV (and by extension NumPy).

You can install it with pip install opencv-python.