Former astrophysicist turned data scientist/engineer. Also enjoys knitting and random coding on the side.
Washington, DC
Pinned Repositories
Personal implementations of various data structures and algorithms.
Command tooltips and syntax highlighting for Age of Empires 2 AI scripts
Functions and classes to access online data resources. Maintainer: @keflavich and @bsipocz
Showcasing some of the projects I've worked on. Topics include data processing, data visualization, machine learning, package management, and general hobby programming.
A C++ wrapper library for wcstools. The code includes several additional methods which leverage the underlying wcstools to perform simple coordinate conversions between celestial coordinates (RA, Dec) and Galactic coordinates as well as computing angular separation between two positions on the sky.
C++ interface to the HORIZONS telnet service which provides accurate ephemeris and parameter information for planets, their moons, and many astroids. Internet connection required. NOTE: This code is still in its infancy and needs a lot of work.
CppEphem is a self-contained ephemeris package written in C++. It allows computation of celestial coordinate and date conversions and planet ephemerides by leveraging the Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA) software (included in the repo). It is C++11 compatible.
A feed generator. Currently supports generating RSS feeds from Google, Bing, and Yahoo news.
A simple project to see if we can use the rate of trademark filings to measure the growth of a given industry
Ny notes and sample scripts from the Bertelsmann AI track scholarship challenge.
Jvinniec's Repositories
Command tooltips and syntax highlighting for Age of Empires 2 AI scripts
Ny notes and sample scripts from the Bertelsmann AI track scholarship challenge.
A C++ wrapper library for wcstools. The code includes several additional methods which leverage the underlying wcstools to perform simple coordinate conversions between celestial coordinates (RA, Dec) and Galactic coordinates as well as computing angular separation between two positions on the sky.
CppEphem is a self-contained ephemeris package written in C++. It allows computation of celestial coordinate and date conversions and planet ephemerides by leveraging the Standards of Fundamental Astronomy (SOFA) software (included in the repo). It is C++11 compatible.
Functions and classes to access online data resources. Maintainer: @keflavich and @bsipocz
Personal implementations of various data structures and algorithms.
Showcasing some of the projects I've worked on. Topics include data processing, data visualization, machine learning, package management, and general hobby programming.
C++ interface to the HORIZONS telnet service which provides accurate ephemeris and parameter information for planets, their moons, and many astroids. Internet connection required. NOTE: This code is still in its infancy and needs a lot of work.
A feed generator. Currently supports generating RSS feeds from Google, Bing, and Yahoo news.
A simple project to see if we can use the rate of trademark filings to measure the growth of a given industry
Easy command line options for C++ scripts. Include the 'CLOptions.h' header to allow simple definitions of command line options through the 'getopt' framework. The '-h' and '-help' options are constructed for you to make printing usage text for your code extremely simple. Checkout the code samples in the 'examples' directory for samples.
Data Incubator milestone project.
notebooks used to analysis projects
Downloader script for obtaining Fermi-LAT weekly data files (defaults to Pass 8 files)
A small Python package to create template FITS files.
This provides a c++ interface for working with FITS files. I hope for it to also serve as an easy way for updating, modifying, or creating fits files for those beginning to work with the FITS format without requiring detailed knowledge of the format.
This is my repository for the final project of the 'Object-Oriented JavaScript' Udacity course. It implements a simple JavaScript game that can be run in the browser.
Measuring and predicting the fuel efficiency of my personal car using Scikit-learn and TensorFlow
Highcharts JS, the JavaScript charting framework
An api, written in Python, for Investopedia's paper trading stock simulator.
Implementation of the Lutz One Pass algorithm
Code for the final project in the Udacity course 'Object-Oriented JavaScript'
SoS implements a convolutional neural network (CNN) for finding/classifying objects in astronomy images. It uses TensorFlow to implement the underlying training and classification.
Notes and quiz answers for the SQL for Data Analysis Udacity course (UD 198)
Highlighting all of the scripts I use for my Tableau projects