
Simple, easy, parallel map function for python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


parmapper is a simple, easy-to-use, robust way to perform parallel computations with python. It is designed with simplicity and robustness before absolute performance.

When to use parmapper: (roughly in order)

  • Simple and easy with minimal code (no boilerplate) is preferred.
  • non-pickleable functions such as lambda and in some classes
  • common interface to threads and/or processes
  • Ability to specify additional arguments and keywords without partial or wrappers. (see args)
  • Ability to pass a sequence of keywords (see kwstar mode) and/or arguments (see star mode).
  • Integration with tools such as progress bars

When not to use parmapper:

  • You use Windows or another platform that doesn't support fork mode.
    • See below for notes on macOS
    • Works on Linux
  • Absolute performance is key! (parmapper has a slight overhead but it is minimal)
  • Many successive calls to a map that would benefit from a common pool (parmapper creates and destroys its pool on each call)
  • Desire for advanced parallel topologies

Tested with python 2.7 and 3.3+ (see note about macOS and 3.8+)


Install directly from github:

python -m pip install git+https://github.com/Jwink3101/parmapper


parmapper can be used anywhere you would use a regular imap (or map), a multiprocessing.Pool().map (or imap, or starmap, etc), or concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor (or ThreadPoolExecutor). Note that parmapper performs semi-lazy evaluation. The input sequence is evaluated but results are cached until the parmapper is iterated. This is the same behavior as multiprocess.Pool().imap.

Consider a simple function:

def do_something(item):
    result = ...# Do something time consuming
    return result

results = list(parmapper.parmapper(do_something,items))

You can replace a simple loop as follows:

# Serial -- for loop
results = []
for item in items:
    result = ...# Do something time consuming
# Serial -- function
def proc(item):
    result = ...# Do something time consuming
    return result
results = list(map(proc,items))

# Parallel
results = list(parmapper.parmap(proc,items))

star and kwstar

As noted above, there are many ways to pass additional arguments to your function. All of these are not completely needed since parmap makes using lambdas so easy, but they are there if preffered.

Assume the following function:

def dj(dictA,dictB):
    '''Join dictA and dictB where dictB takes precedence'''
    dictA = dictA.copy()
    dictA.update(dictB) # NOTE: dictB takes precedence
    return dictA

Then the behavior is as follows where args and kwargs come from they main function call. The val (singular), vals (sequence/tuple of values), and kwvals are set via the sequence.

star kwstar expected item function args function keywords
False False val *((val,)+args) **kwargs †
True False vals *(vals+args) **kwargs
None False --- *args **kwargs °
None True --- *args **dj(kwargs,kwvals) ‡
False True val,kwval *((val,)+args) **dj(kwargs,kwvals) ‡
True True vals,kwval *(vals+args) **dj(kwargs,kwvals) ‡
  • † Default
  • ° If kwargs and args are empty, basically calls with nothing
  • ‡ Note the ordering so kwvals takes precedance

Consider the following:

Multiple arguments with star=True

def do_something(itemA,itemB):
    result = ...# Do something time consuming
    return result

results = list(parmapper.parmap(do_something,zip(itemsA,itemsB),star=True))

Or changing keyword arguments

def do_something(item,opt=False):
    result = ...# Do something time consuming
    return result

results = list(parmapper.parmap(do_something,
                             zip(items,[{'opt':(i%2==0)} for i in range(10)]),

Or, both changing keyword arguments and multiple arguments. Note that you must just pass a length 2 tuple of (*args,kwargs)

def do_something(itemA,itemB,opt=False):
    result = ...# Do something time consuming
    return result

itemsAB = zip(itemsA,itemsB)
kws = [{'opt':(i%2==0)} for i in range(10)]

results = list(parmapper.parmap(do_something,zip(itemsAB,kws),

And, finally, let's say you have a fixed argument and fixed keyword:

def do_something(itemA,itemB,itemC,opt=False,opt2=True):
    result = ...# Do something time consuming
    return result

itemsAB = zip(itemsA,itemsB)
kws = [{'opt':(i%2==0)} for i in range(10)]

results = list(parmapper.parmap(do_something,zip(itemsAB,kws),

macOS and Python 3.8

This tool relies on and assumes multiprocessing will use fork to create new processes. This is why it is not compatible with Windows.

However, according to the Python 3.8 documentation:

Changed in version 3.8: On macOS, the spawn start method is now the default. The fork start method should be considered unsafe as it can lead to crashes of the subprocess. See bpo-33725.

As such, the start method must be explicitly set when Python loads:

import multiprocessing as mp

Or, call

import parmapper as parmap

Or, set PYTOOLBOX_SET_START=true environment variable and it will be set as needed upon import. To do this all the time, put the following in your .bashrc:


It is also good to set the following environment variable. Note that this must be set before Python starts. (sources: [1], [2] ):


Future Python versions may change the defaults further and will have to be considered as they are released.

Note that nothing has actually changed making it more or less "safe" to use this method. It is something that has been discovered. While it has worked in practice, use at your own risk.

Additional Tools

parmapper also comes with ReturnProcess and ParEval.


This is a simple function to let you call different functions in the background and wait for them to finished. It is basically a multiprocessing.Process object that returns the result on join().


res1 = slow(arg1,kw=arg2)
res2 = slower(arg3,kw=arg4)


p1 = ReturnProcess(slow,args=(arg1,),kwargs={'kw':arg2}).start()
p2 = ReturnProcess(slower,args=(arg3,),kwargs={'kw':arg4}).start()
res1,res2 = p1.join() , p2.join()


This tool is aimed solely at NumPy functions that have the signature fun(X) where X is (N,ndim). It will split X appropriately and join at the end.


results = fun(X)


parfun = ParEval(fun)
results = parfun(X)

Must have NumPy installed.


Progress Bars

Included in the code are very rough progress bars. However, if you have tqdm installed, it will use that for prettier formatting.

Concurrency + Parallel

When processing data, it is often convenient to have concurrency and parallelism together (concurrency != parallel). This can be done with a series of generator expressions. Consider the following:

    from itertools import imap # python 2
except ImportError:
    imap = map

from parmapper import parmap

data = data_load_generator() 
data = imap(preprocess,data)
data = parmap(expensive_computation,data)
data = imap(postprocess,data)

# Execute the analysis chain
data = list(data)

In this example data is processed as it is generated with the expensive part done in parallel.

Technical Details

This code uses iterators/generators to handle and distribute the workload. By doing this, it is easy to have all results pass through a common counting function for display of the progress without the use of global (multiprocessing manager) variables and locks.

With the exception of when N == 1 (where it falls back to serial methods) the code works as follows:

  • A background thread is started that will iterate over the incoming sequence and add items to the queue. If the incoming sequence is exhausted, the worker sends kill signals into the queue. The items are also chunked and enumerated (used later to sort).
  • After the background thread is started a function to pull from the OUTPUT queue is created. This counts the number of closed processes but otherwise yields the computed result items
  • A pool of workers is created. Each worker will read from the input queue and distribute the work amongst threads (if using). It will then return the resuts into a queue
  • Now the main work happens. It is done as chain of generators/iterators. The background worker has already begin adding items to the queue so now we work through the output queue. Note that this is in serial since the work was already done in parallel
  • Generator to pull from the result queue
  • Generator to count and display progress (if progress=True).
  • Generator to hold on to and return items in a sorted manner if sorting is requested. This can cause intermediate results to be stored until they can be returned in order
  • The output generator chain is iterated pulling items through and then are yielded.
  • cleanup and close processes (if/when the input is exhausted)

Aside: Name Change

I originally named the module parmap.py but it has been used before so I changed the top-level module to parmapper.py and the function is still parmap (with parmapper=parmap as a fallback). I think I corrected everything but I may have missed a few places