SendBird Android Sample UI

This Quick Start guide will get you up and running with a SendBird sample project.
When launch the sample project, you'll be able to join lobby channel, see channel list and start or join a messaging channel.

Set up the Quick Start project

To get the Quick Start project running you will need Android Studio installed.

  1. Clone the project
$ git clone
  1. Open the android project from Android Studio
  2. Launch the project

Before You Start

There are some terms you should understand before starting this tutorial.

  1. Open chat: Open chat is a public chat. There is a channel which can be participated by anyone without an admission. The channel can be created on SendBird dashboard or via server API.

  2. 1-on-1 messaging: 1-on-1 messaging is a private channel between two users. Basically it is same as group messaging channel with only two members.

  3. Group messaging: Group messaging is a private channel between multiple users. The user who wants to join the Group messaging channel has to be invited by other user who is already joined the Group messaging channel.

See SendBird in Action

Build and run the Quick Start project to start an open chat or a 1:1 messaging.

  • The sample project is shipped with test ** SendBird App ID **.
  • ** You must replace with your own App ID found in SendBird Dashboard for production use. **

Main Page

  • Once the sample project is running, you can check the following functions:
    1. Join Lobby channel: You can join the open chat channel and send or receive messages to/from the channel.
    2. See Channel List: You can browse a list of channels and join into one of them from the list.
    3. Start a Messaging Channel: You can find members from the lobby channel and start 1:1 or 1:n private messaging.
    4. See My Messaging Channel List: You can see and manage a list of your private messaging channels.


Join Lobby channel

  • You have joined an open chat channel named Lobby, you can send/receive messages or files.


See Channel List

  • You can browse all open chat channels created in dashboard or through server API.

![sample_2]( /sample_2_da.png)

Start a Messaging Channel

  • You can see a list of member from Lobby channel and start a messaging channel with them. You should join into the lobby channel first to be listed here.


See My Messaging Channel List

  • This page shows the list of my 1-on-1 and group messaging channels.
