
Bin Packing problem

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Bin Packing 2D

Bin Packing, using optimization to solve the problem!

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bin_packing_problem


  • git, this repository must be cloned and commands are to be run from the root directory
  • make, see https://www.gnu.org/software/make/, managed with Makefile file
  • pipenv, see https://github.com/pypa/pipenv, managed with Pipfile and Pipfile.lock files
  • python 3.8, to be used in a virtual environment with pipenv (pipenv --three can work)


This setup is for development only. Ensure that all requirements are met, especially Docker and that a virtual environment for Python 3.8 has been created with pipenv (pipenv --three can work).

Activate the pipenv shell environment:

make activate

Install dependencies:

make install

Do some plotting:

make plot

Or run the solver:

make run-solver

Optionally if you are using VSCode you may use the settings in .vscode.example/settings.json:

cp -r .vscode.example .vscode && echo ".vscode/settings.json" >> .git/info/exclude

Development tools

The codebase is checked for code formatting with black (https://github.com/python/black), mypy for static typing (http://mypy-lang.org/), and flake8 for various errors and warnings (https://pypi.org/project/flake8/).

It is strongly recommended to have all of these tools configured within the editor or IDE.

Manual executions of those tools can be done with make:

# checks:
make flake
make mypy
make black-check

# run all above checks:
make checks

# apply black formatting on the codebase:
make black


Run all tests with:

make test

Or specific tests with something like:

# test a whole file:
make test TARGET=tests.test_directory_1.test_directory_2.test_file

# test a specific test class within a file:
make test TARGET=tests.test_directory_1.test_directory_2.test_file.TestClassName

# test a specific test class method within a file:
make test TARGET=tests.test_directory_1.test_directory_2.test_file.TestClassName.test_method_name

For convenience, a file path may also be used (as "/" characters are replaced with "." characters):

# test a whole file:
make test TARGET=tests/test_directory_1/test_directory_2/test_file

# test a whole file with ".py" extention also ok as ".py" is removed within the make logic:
make test TARGET=tests/test_directory_1/test_directory_2/test_file.py

# test a specific test class within a file:
make test TARGET=tests/test_directory_1/test_directory_2/test_file.TestClassName

# test a specific test class method within a file:
make test TARGET=tests/test_directory_1/test_directory_2/test_file.TestClassName.test_method_name


Install all dependencies (pip packages including development packages) with:

make install

If new packages are to be added, install them with:

make install PACKAGE=new_package_name

Or new development packages with:

make install DEV_PACKAGE=new_dev_package_name

Always commit Pipfile and Pipfile.lock changes.

Update packages with:

make update

Or update a single package with:

make update PACKAGE=some_package_name