Official code for DOC-VTON. We provide visualization results of Awesome Virtual Tryon. Besides, we provide auxiliary data of VITON and VITON-HD for training and testing.
- aieveryday
- Ailln@dovolopor-research
- aoyang-hd
- Breaveh
- carvychen
- Clack2DavidNanjing University of Science and Technology
- csbhrIMAG, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
- cschenxiangNJUST
- devanshkhandekarIndia
- FFFFFate-fjh
- filippocastelli
- frreess
- fullfullmonster
- gamingflexer
- Hanjunzhe
- heeeyk
- HiangX
- House-LeoIMAG, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
- ijingoBeijing, PRC
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- jperezr21Uruguay
- jwellton
- kkkls
- larsoncs
- luisdavid64Germany
- NeonLeexiang
- pengzz-ops
- skunkwerkCalifornia
- sunny2109IMAG, NJUST
- svjack
- wanganzhiChengDu
- weleove
- wovai
- Xiaolong-RRLPKU
- ykshi
- yzb1997Nanjing University of Science and Technology