RIPE Random Epigram

Build a website that prints a random epigram on every refresh (like the fortune command-line tool, but on the web).

Build an HTML page that dynamically loads a random epigram from your server, and build a backend in java to support it.


  1. Import the SQL file database/epigram.sql into your database
  2. Update the database connection strings in src/resources/
  3. Update the API endpoint in src/resources/static/js/app.js if necessary

API Reference

Method URI Attributes Description
GET /epigram Get all epigrams
GET /epigram/random Get a random epigram
GET /epigram/{id} Get an epigram by id
POST /epigram content: string Create a new epigram
PUT /epigram/{id} content: string Update the content of an epigram
DELETE /epigram/{id} Delete an epigram by id

API Status Definition

Code Description
200 Everything OK
400 Invalid request due to missing parameter(s)
404 Resource not found
405 Method not allowed
50x Server Internal Error

Database Schema

Table epigram

Column Datatype Description
id bigint Auto increment id
content text The epigram content
created_at datetime The creation time of the row
updated_at datetime The update time of the row

Data Source

The epigram data is from shlomif/fortune-mod


Back-end: Java Spring Boot
ORM: Hibernate
Front-end: Bootstrap 5, Vue.js 3


Junyan Li (