Bird Sounds
Thousands of bird sounds, visualized using machine learning.
Bird sounds vary widely. This experiment uses machine learning to organize thousands of bird sounds. The computer wasn’t given tags or the birds’ names – only the audio. Using a technique called t-SNE, the computer created this map, where similar sounds are placed closer together.
This is not an official Google product.
Built by Kyle McDonald, Manny Tan, Yotam Mann, and friends at Google Creative Lab. Thanks to Cornell Lab of Ornithology for their support. The Essential Set for North America sounds are provided by the Macaulay Library. Check out more at [A.I. Experiments] (
Front-end Installation
To build the client-side javascript, first install node and webpack. Then you can install of the dependencies and build the files by typing the following in the terminal:
npm install
webpack -p
To generate a t-SNE with your own audio, check out this repository from Kyle McDonald and the Infinite Drum Machine, which shares a lot of the same techniques.
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