System Design and Architecture
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Languages | English | 中文版 |
Communities | Telegram: 1.8k members | 多个微信群 (ID: onetptp) 电报群 |
Websites | (English) | 硅谷io (中文) |
Mobile Apps | iOS / Android / APK |
iOS / Android / APK |
English Version
System Design in Practice
- Designing instagram or newsfeed APIs
- Designing Yelp / Finding nearest K POIs
- Designing trending topics / top K exceptions in the system
- Designing distributed web crawler
- Designing i18n service
- Designing ads bidding system
- Designing a dropbox or a file-sharing system
- Designing a calendar system
- Designing an instant chat system / Facebook Messenger / WeChat
- Designing a ticketing system or Ticketmaster
- Designing a voice assistant or Siri
- Introduction to Architecture
- How to scale a web service?
- Data Partition and Routing
- Replica, Consistency, and CAP theorem
- Load Balancer Types
- Concurrency Model
- Improving availability with failover
- Bloom Filter
- Skiplist
- B tree vs. B+ tree
- Intro to Relational Database
- 4 Kinds of No-SQL
- Key value cache
- Stream and Batch Processing Frameworks
- Cloud Design Patterns
- Public API Choices
- Lambda Architecture
- iOS Architecture Patterns Revisited
- What can we communicate in soft skills interview?
- Experience Deep Dive
- 3 Programming Paradigms
- SOLID Design Principles
系统设计与构架 - 中文版
- 设计一个短网址系统
- 设计优步打车服务
- Facebook如何存储大规模社交图谱(graph)?TAO
- 什么是 Apache Kafka?
- 设计Facebook图片存储系统
- 如何使用HTTP协议向移动设备传输视频? HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
- Lyft 的营销自动化平台 Symphony
- 设计负载均衡器
- 设计以人为本的国际化(i18n) 工程方案
- 如何设计区块链服务端的架构?
- 构架入门
- 软技能面试可以谈点什么?
- 键值缓存有哪些用法?
- 如何构建大规模的网站服务?
- 如何使用幂等性设计出高可靠的API?
- 过往工作经验面试
- 跳跃表
- 布隆过滤器
- Lambda 架构
- 4种非关系型数据库(No-SQL)
- 通过失效转移提高系统可用性
- 再窥iOS架构模式
- 流处理和批处理框架
- 谷歌的软件工程:软件开发
- 谷歌的软件工程:项目管理
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